miercuri, 23 decembrie 2015



Open Roads and Secret Destinations – is a book about travels through Eastern Europe, with its good and sad realities. Morelle Smith is an author able to feel as a poet and to think as a philosopher. An excellent book for excellent readers. You must have this book in your personal library. Buy it right now!
Fantasía en do mayor – a musical poetry book of a musician poet from Canarias. One of the few books written rigurously after the dictum: “De la musique avant toute chose, de la musique encore et toujours” (Verlaine). You can’t forget to take this book in your personal library. Buy it right now!
Alien Driftwood – poems from Scotland for readers from all the UK and from all over the world. Another book to be set in your personal library. Buy it right now!
El Tigre (The Tiger) – a powerful book by a powerful poet from Croatia. The literary critic Alfredo Perez Alencart (Colombia-Spain) stated recently about him: “Digo el tigre y me saluda Tomislav” (“I say the tiger and Tomislav greets me”). With this book you’ll gain a tiger to defend yourself when inevitably the end of the world will come. Buy it before!
Breve historia de la poesía argentina (Brief History of Argentine Poetry) – is a book about Argentine poetry and about one of the most humane arts from Homer to nowadays. Read Benitez’ history to understand how the poetry could work for you. A special book for special people. Buy it right now!
Traveller through Time – teaches us carefully how we could travel trough time without the time machine of Sir H. G. Wells. However Catharina Boer is not a second H. G. Wells, but one of the foremost women poets from the Netherlands. Do you like to travel through time back and forth exactly when you want? Take this book as a Baedeker in your house. Buy it right now!
The Spring of the Poet – is a book which confesses about the feelings of an inexhaustible globetrotter. A book in which Martin Bates teaches us the lesson of unity in diversity. A book about the necessary spring in our lives, poets or warriors. Buy this book right now!
Remando travesía hacia la paz (Sailing toward Peace) – Even Julia Gil is not a new Americo Vespucci in blood and flesh, he is a human being who writes poetry and aspires to discover in this way the magic continent of eternal peace. It is possible? Even if not, we could take this book in our personal libraries. Buy it right now!
The End of a Dictatorship – Ooops! About my “scripta manent” I could say what another writer said in another time: “Dear friend, I think it would be not bad to be good”.
To conclude: Dear friends, wherever you are, buy books from the “Bibliotheca Universalis” with confidence before the end of the world comes! Be sure in this way you’ll save at least a small part of your own paradise.

Daniel Dragomirescu & All the World in a Library
December 2015, somewhere in Purgatory

Proofreader: Morelle Smith (UK)
Basic Bibliography

Series No 13 / 2015

62. Morelle Smith (Regatul Unit), Open Roads and Secret Destinations. Drumuri deschise şi destinaţii secrete
63. Luís Ángel Marín Ibáñez (Spania), Fantasía en do mayor. Fantasía in do maggiore
64. Douglas Lipton (Regatul Unit), Alien Driftwood. Lemn plutitor străin
65. Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić (Croaţia), El Tigre. Tigrul
66. Luís Benitez (Argentina), Breve historia de la poesía argentina. Scurtă istorie a poeziei argentiniene
Series No 14 / 2015

67. Catharina Boer (Olanda), Traveller through Time. Călător prin timp
68. Martin Bates (Regatul Unit), The Spring of the Poet. La fuente del poeta
69. Julia Gil (Spania), Remando travesía hacia la paz. Navigând către pace
70. Daniel Dragomirescu (România), Sfârşitul unei dictaturi. The End of a Dictatorship

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